Auga Mareira - Packaged Sea Water

Auga Mareira – Packaged Sea Water

We all know that Spain has ruled the haute cuisine roost in recent years, deftly displacing the French from the top perch. This culinary prominence has brought about an astonishing revolution in the development of food products aimed at the kitchens of feted michelin star chefs like Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda and others. According to…

All for a good cause…

The Cantabrian Sea in Spain covers a huge area from the Basque Country bordering France, heading west through Cantabria, Asturias and finally Galicia, where it collides head on with the Atlantic Ocean at beautiful Estaca de Bares. In the English speaking world we loosely refer to this sea as the Bay of Biscay, an English…

Lamprea rellena stuffed

Of Sea Lamprey, risk premiums and toxic banking…

With the opening of the Galician Sea-Lamprey Season 2013 just around the corner on January 15th, I thought it only right and fitting that I talked to Nito Calviño of Casa Calviño in As Neves (Pontevedra), one of the ‘consecrated temples’ of Sea-Lamprey cuisine on Galicia’s River Miño. I have to admit that the first…

Gilthead Seabream

Of Breams, Dreams and Schemes

After a fishy conversation with Ruth of, I decided to take a look at the distinctly nondescript use of ‘Seabream’ in recipes translated from Spanish. There are many different sparidae or bream species available in plazas up and down the country, and in gastronomic terms, some are far more spectacular than others. Ask any…

Galician Mussel

Fish Farms Muscling In On Mussels

I read a very alarming statistic today. 60% of mussels prepared and canned in Galicia are imported from Chile. While I’ve nothing against Chile or the Chilean people, I have to say their mussels are crap compared to ‘Mytilus Galloprovincialis’, the Galician Mussel. Basically it’s ‘more economically viable’ to import Chilean product, add to that…